
TrichoTest juuste väljalangemise test

A single patient. A personalized treatment. Guided by their unique DNA.
Trichotest DNA Test For Hair Loss - Fragon Genomics


  • A full report with the explanation of your genetic characteristics and the effectiveness of hair loss treatments will be provided to you.


  • Together with your hair loss consultant, trichologist or advisor you can agree an informed treatment plan, safe in the knowledge you are selecting the options which are most likely to provide the best outcomes to treat your hair loss.


  • Your hair loss consultant, trichologist or advisor will be provided with an overview of your genetic characteristics and how they relate to your hair loss treatment.


  • The analysis used in Fagron TrichoTest™ has been scientifically validated by global research.

Fagron TrichoTest™ is a genetic test for hair loss that analyses gene variations and lifestyle factors so that personalised hair loss treatments can be accurately recommended. Studies show there is a relationship between your genetic profile and how your hair loss responds to different types of treatment. This means not all hair loss treatments work for everybody and the success of any given treatment is dependent on your genetic profile and lifestyle factors. Thanks to the unique analysis performed by Fagron TrichoTest™ we can identify which hair loss treatments are most likely to provide the best results for you.

Fagron TrichoTest™ is indicated to be used by:

1. Everyone who wants to understand how their genetics affect alopecia treatment.

2. Patients with family history of alopecia.

3. Men and women who have tried different treatments with few or no success.

Types of alopecia analyzed:

1. Androgenetic alopecia

2. Alopecia areata

3. Telogen effluvium

The Fagron TrichoTest™ results are shared only with the prescriber through the Fagron Genomics login platform. The report can be used to select the most suitable treatment option for the patient, fully personalized to their needs. The report includes:

1. A summary of patient characteristics

2. Full genetic analysis and explanation

3. Suggested personalized formulations

Once you have received your test results back, you will be given a personalised treatment plan which could include suggestions of:

1. Minoxidil – Otherwise known as Regaine

2. Sillicumax – Collagen Supplements

3. Treatments to stimulate collagen

4. Caffeine or Ginkgo – Found in caffeine shampoos

5. Biotin – Otherwise known as Viviscal

Hair loss is a difficult condition to diagnose with many factors often contributing to its development. It is common for hair loss to be caused by genetic factors but other lifestyle factors such as diet can also attribute to this.

Being able to detect the early signs of hair loss is important to be able to maintain and protect the existing hair follicles. Creating a personalised treatment plan is going to help give you the best results by choosing the best and most effective treatments.

The study showed that patients in the study population with a combination of two specific genes had more than 80% chance of serious complications from filler treatments. Medical complications that can occur include chronic and/or localized inflammation that may require months or years of medical treatment and can cause lifelong symptoms.

Hair transplant clinic Rubenhair Latvia performs certified and high-quality hair transplants, eyebrow transplants with the manual FUE method. At hair transplant clinic Rubenhair Latvia, all services provided are certified, licensed, and approved in European Union. Our medical personnel is fully licensed, credentialed, and includes medical doctors, nurse practitioners, physicians. Hair transplant clinic Rubenhair Latvia is fully licensed and certified in the European Union and registered in the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Latvia, Health Inspectorate, and Register of Medical Institutions with registration number 010001474.

DNA proovide kogumise juhised
Vaadake illustreerivat videot, mis näitab, kuidas võtta DNA proovi Fagron Genomicsi komplekti abil.
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Rubenhair juuste siirdamise kliinikus teostatakse sertifitseeritud ja kvaliteetseid juuste ja kulmude siirdamise protseduure manuaalsel FUE- meetodil. Kõik Rubenhair Latvia juuste siirdamise kliinikus pakutavad teenused on sertifitseeritud, litsentseeritud ja Euroopa Liidus heaks kiidetud. Kõigil meie arstidel ja õdedel on kõik vajaminevad litsentsid ja volitused. Juuste siirdamise kliinik Rubenhair Latvia on täielikult litsentseeritud ja sertifitseeritud Euroopa Liidus ning registreeritud Läti Vabariigi Tervishoiuministeeriumis, Tervishoiuinspektsioonis ja Meditsiiniasutuste registris numbriga 010001474.

SIA ''Rubenhair Baltika” 01.06.2022 noslēdza ar LIAA līgumu Nr. SKV-TL-2022/19 par atbalsta saņemšanu projekta “Latvijas starptautiskās konkurētspējas veicināšana tūrismā” ietvaros, ko līdzfinansē Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonds.